About Us
Pamper Glow was borne out of the need to make people of all shades look beautiful and glow in their colour and this we do through the our products, with the safest ingredients sourced from nature.
Pamper Glow Journey
Started 2018
Our Team
Erucar Lorreta
Managing Director
Erucar Lorreta
Managing Director
Erucar Lorreta
Managing Director
Erucar Lorreta
Managing Director
Video Tour
For You
Nautral Cosmetics
Against the popular belief, cosmetics is not just the make-up (colour cosmetics), It entails so much more including but not limited to skincare, haircare, kiddies' care, perfumery etc and all these, we source the safest ingredients from nature, to produce. All in the bid to pamper you to glow.
Private Labelling
Here, we take the stress of over-head of running a factory, the science and technology of production and removing the guess work of not knowing, if your products will sell or not. We do all these for you. Become the next beauty mogul, starting with hot-selling beauty products, globally.
Become A Distributor
According to reports, the global cosmetic products market was around $ 532 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach approximately $863 billion in 2024 with an inclusion of the Nigerian beauty market in 2018 estimated at N500 Billion annually.
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